
Under the umbrella of VISION ISI Denpasar according to the Decree of the Chancellor of ISI Denpasar No.75/IT5.5/DT/2014 as mentioned above, the vision of the Fine Art Study Program is as one of the elements of the ISI Denpasar FSRD academic implementation, which in 2020 is expected to act as a center of excellence based on local wisdom and universal insight. This means that the Fine Art Study Program in 2020 is expected to become a center of excellence as Assessors, Creators, Presenters, and Trustees, in the field of fine arts, with the following achievement indicators:

  • Graduates who are reliable, master science and technology and art skills, produce works of art, study works of art, produce scientific papers on fine arts, organize art activities, have the ability to be independent, and are able to be accountable for works of art and written works ethically, morally and academically .
  • Research activities carried out by students in producing a thesis as a final assignment, must comply with scientific principles and methods systematically, and must also lead to the fulfillment of graduate learning outcomes, as well as comply with the provisions of laws and regulations in Higher Education.
  • Produce creative and adaptive works of art, with efforts to encourage students to always be creative in the research-based creation process, so that the resulting works of art can be morally and academically accountable
  • Encouraging students to perform services that are beneficial to the community such as conducting coaching (KKN), organizing exhibitions, becoming judges, curators, resource persons, for various arts and cultural activities, especially in the field of fine arts,
  • Become a data and information service center related to the scope of similar activities, for example regarding the existence of art and craft centers, galleries, museums, places and mechanisms
    exhibitions, competition jury criteria and others.


The Missions of the Fine Arts Study Program are:

  • Carrying out fine art education, both painting and sculpture in the context of creating, studying, presenting, coaching based on local culture, based on pluralism and multiculturalism in increasing the nation’s competitiveness.
  • Optimizing the culture of researching/creating, studying, appreciating, and serving the community, by developing science, technology and art, especially painting and sculpture.
  • Improve administrative governance to optimize performance.
    Increase domestic and foreign cooperation in accordance with the field of science.


Fine Arts Study Program Objectives:

  • To produce graduates who are able to create works of art, paintings and sculptures, which are creative, innovative, competitive, ethical and moral.
  • To produce graduates who are able to scientifically research, study, appreciate paintings and sculptures.
  • To produce graduates who are able to present and publish works of fine art, both painting and sculpture.
  • Able to foster, develop painting and sculpture based on local culture with a national perspective.
  • Conduct and enhance cooperation between art colleges and related parties at the National and International levels, to increase intellectual property.
  • Carry out community service in developing the field of painting and sculpture, based on science and technology, in an effort to increase independence.

    Contact Information

    Dekanat Fakultas Seni Pertunjukan Institut Seni Idonesia Denpasar Jalan Nusa Indah Denpasar Timur (80235)


    Monday-Friday 08:00 -16:00 WITA